Peace Corps Programs at NMSU

Service in the Peace Corps is a life-defining leadership experience. Since 1961, the Peace Corps has shared with the world America's most precious resource - its people.
New Mexico State University is proud to offer two collaborative Peace Corps programs, the Fellows / USA program and the Master's International program, which are available through both the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences and the College of Health, Education and Social Transformation.

Fellows / USA
The Peace Corps Fellows / USA Program is a graduate fellowship program that provides returned Peace Corps volunteers the opportunity to pursue graduate-level degrees and gain professional experience while continuing to carry out the missions of the Peace Corps. NMSU Fellows complete teaching assignments and research projects, allowing them to bring home and expand upon the skills they learned as volunteers. Financial assistance in the form of graduate assistantships may be offered through the Fellows/USA program to all eligible participants contingent on available funding.

Master's International
Peace Corps Master's International has made available the unique opportunity of integrating a master's degree with overseas service in a variety of fields. Prospective student must apply to the NMSU graduate school of choice first, and when accepted, submit their application to the Peace Corps. After completing their initial course work and receiving your Peace Corps placement, Master's International students travel to respective site and begin an assignment according to the needs and requests of the host country. While overseas, your primary responsibility is the project and community to which you have been assigned. Your academic requirement will grow out of your volunteer work. Upon completion of the 27 month Peace Corps requirement, Master's International students return to the university to complete academic requirements necessary for graduation. Learn more about the Master's International program in ACES.